the sources and remedies of examination stress among Indian school children.
the year 1600 Robert Hooke conceptualized stress according to mechanical
principals of load (external force) stress (area upon which the force exerted
and strain (damage or deformation as a result of the load and stress). Hans’s
selye known as the father of stress defined it as a stimulus that produces feelings
of tension. Stress is also understood as a process involving an interaction
between the person and his or her environment. The perception of stress is
dependent upon individual’s cognitive appraisal of the events and the resources
available to deal with them (Cohen and lazarus1983).Threat is a key concept in
the understanding of the stress and it is the subjective appraisal of the
potential negative effects of astressor. Whenever threat is perceived it
mobilizes the individual into action. The perception of an event as threatening
depends upon its appraisal through perception expectation or memory. While
exploring and evaluating student’s examination burden one must explore and
focus upon other relevant and more powerful contributors to this situation.
who cannot should not be teaching: Who, When given the honor and the privilege to
teach, bore rather than inspire, settle for the lowest common
denominator rather than aspire to the
highest possible numerator, take the job for granted than being continuously
amazed at the blessing- sins against all the minds they have closed,
misinformed and alienated from education(zimbardo2005,p-12).Research shows that
quality of teachers is crucial to better learning related
outcomes.(Monk&king1994,Rowanetal 997,,Rice2003).Schools with poor
infrastructure facilities and lack of high quality teachers is a major
impediment to growth and development of children.
As a fine book is a window to an amazing tale a
good teacher is a door to a wondrous journey. Theorists like Bronfenbrenner,
1979 Ford and Lerner1992, Sameroff,
have emphasized the context of schooling as one that bridges between macro
levels of society and culture that shape the practice of education from afar
and micro levels of the school as an organizations, its class-room and the
people that inhabit these setting whose daily acts of leadership, teaching and
social interaction affect children’s learning and development in immediate
ways. (Cole - 1996).
context of schooling involves multiple layers of structures and organizations
engaged in the job of imparting leadership, teaching and learning.
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Level of


Developmental Time
Different layers of
organization in the school system in an interdisciplinary manner and these are
the factors that may add or minimize stress among the learners.
also requires the measurement of both “etic” and “emic” features of the context
of schooling to capture both the tacit and tangible dimensions of these nested
levels (Roser, Urdan&Stephens2009).Another important dimension that
requires attention is the pedagogical techniques and its application at the
class room situation. If teachers are not well prepared to apply a new technique
of pedagogy it could harm the teachers as well as the students and consequently
harm their self efficacy. It is no wonder that political regimes their own
value and ideological preferences despite claims to value neutrality.
seems to be an objective syllabi or curriculum is a cloak that masks implicit
values. As social theorist jurgen Habermas proposed in his influential volume
Knowledge and Human interests (1971), any search for knowledge favors certain
political and economic goals over others.
In Indian context changes in curriculum is mired with controversy with
the change in political power that hardly connects to objective reality at the
grass root level which ultimately fails to establish motivational connect with
the teachers and students. It is also important to examine interactional
aspects of school education system as a critical component for wellbeing of our
children. Some of our school acquires premium brand status irrespective of any
scientific criteria .The concept of equity of school education is negatively
distributed across the country and mass education is badly affected in this
process. Other important aspects of demographic diversity, native language, and
cultural diversity are not placed adequate attention which has far reaching impact
on the well being and future development of our children.
of teaching and learning are inherently social, emotional, moral, behavioral
and cognitive affairs simultaneously (Noddings2005a, Shulman2005).our school
education system is largely focused toward scoring marks or grades in the
examination ignoring other important facets such as sports activities or
engagement in music or recreational acts of humor so important for overall
development of the child.
school education system is narrowed to achieve the goal of singular acts of
scoring marks or grades in the examinations. Other holistic domains of
development namely social, moral, emotional are mostly ignored in majority of
our schools. Major expectation holders such as parents, teachers, and significant
others also create strain in the minds of students by merely recognizing the
marks criteria and badly ignoring other important achievements of them
.Teachers training institutions all across the country lack in terms
infrastructure. Other crucial dimensions of aptitude interest, social skills
and interpersonal skills are not a consideration for the appointment of
teachers. It is indeed surprising and contrary that future of our children is
in the hands of people who are themselves neither motivated nor capable to
perform the job.
on how well the instructional and interpersonal features of school contexts fit
with ‘’or are mismatched’’ with the needs of students at various ages and to
the extent that student perceive such fits or mismatches with fundamental
biological, psychological and social needs the theory predicts either positive
or negative changes in motivation, well being and behavior [Eccles,s , Roeser 2009]. .
,cognitive and cultural approaches to teaching and learning have demonstrated
the important role that teachers beliefs play in shaping their pedagogical
decisions and strategies in the class
room.(Calderhead1996,shulman 2005).more recent studies have examined how
teachers social emotional competencies are also key determiners of their
behavior in the class-room.(Jennings andGreenberg2009).
efficacy beliefs are positively related to their investment in teaching.
Teachers have two primary roles one is that of “academic instructor” oriented
toward addressing teaching content and the other role of socialize oriented
toward addressing children’s socio-emotional and behavioral needs, fosterer of
the good citizen.
However in reality the
situation in Indian schools is far from satisfactory in terms of teacher –taught
ratio and quality educators as well as allowing innovative practices at school
level is not encouraged. School resources such as school –size, teacher
–student ratio, books in the library, per pupil expenditures, continuous
evaluation of the teachers are not given adequate attention.
of the very important aspects that need closer scrutiny is the people running
school organizations and their value system. There seems to be a huge gap in
the manifest objectives and hidden objectives of such people whose major goal
is to earn money and academic& social objectives are relegated to the
process of decision making in the school system particularly in the private
schools is mostly one sided with maximum representation of its promoters and the owners .Hence the
collective and participative modes of
decision making are not a preferred mode in the policies and plans for the
school level. Although we have broader similarities in the Board i.e. ICSE and
CBSE but education being a state subject a lot differences exists at the level
of state boards. The sense of belongingness, mutual support is very low among
the school students where interaction between teacher’s students and staff is
not encouraged at informal levels. The role of parents as caregivers is very
important but over indulgence in crafting and charting future paths of their
children actually impedes exploration and inquisitiveness ability of the
children. There are majority number of parents in India who view their own
success in life to the success of their children and the vice versa and it also
contains stereotypical religious sanction .It is indeed an irony that instead
of allowing more space for emotional sharing students appearing in the
examinations are segregated from the rest of the family, social functions,
withdrawal of recreational opportunities and an undeclared house arrest
situation is created centered around the examinee. The number of counselor in a
school with large number of students is either one or two in a few schools and
none in the majority of the schools. It is also important to assess the quality
of our counselors. The factors of neighborhood and influences of relatives play
a very important role In the career choice of the children and some of them
also set their target score points to be achieved by the children ignoring the
ability and potential of the child. Brofenbrenners articulation of an
ecological view of development is an amplification of the role of near and dear
ones in the future of children. In the Indian context sociologists like A.R
.Desai (1974) S.C.Dube (1971) m.S. Gore
(1971) and K Ahmad (1979) have questioned the existing practices in education
and its limitation to overcome and uplift the future of our children and youth.
Changes in children’s use of leisure
time have increased significantly watching television, doing internet browsing,
and playing videogames. Current media use studies report that almost 4 to 6
hours a day is spent on using various media for example- television, computer
and mobile phones. Now television’s density and mobile usage density has risen
to a staggering majority and multi-set household are also a reality in many
households. With the increase in multi-set households the perceived benefit of
using television to bring more interaction in the family has reduced. Although
in one set households the families coverage physically to watch television but
they remain psychologically separated due to dominant attention to the program
children and adolescent live and grow in world dominated by media and lack of
parental expertise and maturity and absence of well documented long term
effects children are exposed to media contents without neutralizing its harmful
effects. Even during examination time leading newspapers and channels come out
with suggestions by an expert which is much generalized in nature. Therefore
trying to examine the sources of possible stressors we keep distancing
ourselves from the real issues.
Just as negative teachers can damage the growth
and development of our children, positive teacher’s can unleash the enthusiasm
and joy of learning for the students. A calling is defined as a strong
motivation in which a person takes a course of action that is intrinsically
satisfying.(Buskist,Benson&Sikorski2005).Excess emphasis on grades or marks
increases the anxiety hence this should be minimized and meaningfully diverse ways
of learning be encouraged. The importance of student’s feelings that the
teacher, parents & society at large care about their learning and about
them as an individual is very important. Long back in 1859 James said the great
thing in all education should be to make our nervous system our ally instead of
our enemy. Each student can construct a positive reservoir of knowledge provided
they get a context to do so. What we need is a curriculum designed on native
language and nativistic social –cultural contexts. A sustainable approach to a
positive environment should focus on sports, music, traditional methods of
yoga, meditation and optimistic approach toward life. This attitude that one
particular job is a success guarantee to our success in lives must be
demystified. Similarly stereotyped and prejudiced premiums placed on certain
streams and certain institutions must not govern the mindset of our students
and parents. Approaching this problem as a continuous process of evolving and
coevolving interactional and context specific factors can bring us closer to
deal with reality of examinations.
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