My views on the current situation :
Psychological Lockdown: Perspectives and Panacea
This virus onslaught with a possibility of destroying human life is unprecedented in the history of mankind.The process of mass extinctions of homosapiens seems to be accelerating each passing day critically endangering our sense of security and integration.
The primary driver of this horrendous invisible induced source has posed one of the greatest challenge human beings have ever faced.
The people in India and the world seems to have lost their man made safeguards and uncertainty is looming large on everyone's face.The people addicted to follow routines of office/business/ farming and other activities are suddenly finding themselves in a state of vacuum with no concrete alternative plans of action.
People who are conditioned to conformity of routine rituals to be measured on everyday basis feeling threatened of an existential crises.people with high uncertainty avoidance finding difficulties at managing ambiguity of the current situation.
In contrast people with low uncertainty avoidance cultures accept and feel comfortable in unstructured situations try to be more tolerant of the change.
People over the years have also develpoed the frustrating power to demand anything because they can't visualise anything which an institution can't do for them.
We seem to have been trapped in the boxes we made to contain the ills Pandora allowed to escape. Quite suddenly we find ourselves in the darkness of our own trap.
When we are scared to be conscious of the full range of emotions necessary to understand and respond to a new reality they create false images of reality and then pretend these are what they are seeing.
Experts from various fields are prescribing simplifications and generalisations though they are themselves not aware of the emergent circumstances.
They are under continued social fear to prove themselves worthy, indispensable creating complex technical language to describe the present crises.
Except a minority of the experts a large majority of intellectuals are devising new concepts believing they are contributing to the solution when they are actually serving to accentuate the general confusion.
There are millions of theories in circulation suggesting techniques to diminish this epidemic such as Hot weather theory , Malaria theory, Tropical countries theory stage theory of communication mathematics modelling theory, exponential growth theory to name a few.
There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotions.
The emotional/behavioral symptoms damaging with intense fear of contamination and compulsive hand washing and cleaning contaminated items,a sense of being in the body of vice with ongoing watching of nightmarish videos from all over the world is at it's peak.
The terror of being disconnected with social reality , physical reality, material reality along with fearful observations of each other is adding to the disenchanted self esteem.
Some of us are frightened of paying conscious attention to our own terror of dying and sense of loosing awareness of our existence.
It is this unconscious terror that is allowing space for therapist's in the expectations of healing our wounded psyche.
Suppressed emotions that are reactions to uncertainty becomes an avalanche of stored emotions which can't be dealt all at once.
The process of healing requires courage, determination and patience which we Indians are reflecting in abundance.
Consideration needs to be given to express emotions and defenses as safely as possible.
Physical lockdown must not be overpowered by Psychological lockdown which can result into anxiety and to overcome it we need to support and enact our defenses.
Healing further requires simply feeling emotions without intellectual understanding.
We should engage in our individual creative strategies rather than copying others projections of anxiety.
In my opinion wellness can be achieved by focussing on fearless awareness on the fear.All other methods simply mask the fear further.
Practising consciousness of fear actually undoes the damage caused by unconscious fear.
Positive and self reliance belief's recognizes the spirit of inspiration and guidance for each one of us.
Powerfully truthful music,art , meditation and exercises can help you keep in touch with the deeper things in life.
We need sufficient degrees of deschooling from advertised ideas of finding a solution to the difficulties that we are faced with.
Liberating oneself from conditioned ways of negotiating with the realities is the need of the time which we all are naturally endowed with.
As long as an anthropos is not explicitly conscious of life activities through which he/she was initiated to the forces which shapes his/her cosmos,they can't break the spell and shape a new cosmos of creative imagination for themselves even during this tough times (changed times).
We must rediscover our hope with trusting faith in our capabilities.
Stay home stay happy.
Dr. Navin Kumar
Associate Professor in Psychology, DU
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About Me

- Dr. Navin Kumar
- I am a Professor in psychology at Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, University of Delhi with more than 20 years of teaching experience.I am a Doctorate in Psychology from University of Delhi. Taught BA Hons Applied psychology, MA applied psychology and Ph.D psychology to students of Delhi university. Executive editor Journal of positive psychology. Executive editor Academia (An international multidisciplinary journal on social science, humanities and languages) Successfully completed ICSSR major research project, UGC major research project and Innovative research project from University of Delhi. Monitoring committee member of a research project under the aegis of BSF (Border Security Force), Ministry of Home Affairs on stress management. Supervising 6 Ph.D researches from University of Delhi, 2 from Amity University, 1 from Jamia Millia Islamia. Member ICSSR research project committee. Selection committee memeber of Indian Oil, NTPC, GAIL India, Solar energy corporation. Authored a book on Criminal Psychology published by LEXIS NEXIS India. Delivered invited lectures at IIT Roorkee, IIM Lucknow, IGNFA Dehradun, IWST Bangalore. Presented my paper at ICAP 2014, Paris, France.